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Putting it out there...

After months - maybe years - of urging by friends close to me, I've decided to breakaway from my corporate personas via the companies I work with and just have a site dedicated to Adrian!

I'm a huge introvert, have always been. I remember my being six years old and terrified of paying for a candy bar. Why? No clue! My brother Elliot was my savior. He was the charismatic one, always making friends, which I clung to my Mother.

I've kind of been the same with my companies. Nearly 15 years of public, government, media and community relations consulting, three offices in three states and we've worked on a number of amazing and difficult projects. And I've hid behind the comfort of my companies.

Follow me on social media. I tend to overshare. But at least you'll get a hint of what life is like.

In all of the years I have been doing this, I have had some extreme highs and some down right failures. I have encountered friends who I've made family, friends who I've thought would be around forever, family into enemies and enemies into colleagues. It has been a rollercoaster ride.

Least of it to say, I have my own strategic communications to consult on myself - but all of these experiences have allowed me to provide keen insight to highly complex situations.

If you stick around, I'll blog about some of these experiences and how I've been able to help clients craft effective messaging amongst the noise.

Speaking of noise, I write this from my NYC apartment, on a lovely summer day where it's 77 degrees and a beautiful breeze...filled with noise!

Thanks for the interest!

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